Estimate the artist 12345


Renkas Anna (previous in rating, 562th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderGoncharuk Helen (next in rating, 564th position from 759)

Bodnar Yuriy (previous in list, 45th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderBogatirenko Yuriy (next in list, 47th position from 759)

Rating: 563

Artworks: 35

Best: 5

Pages: 3

Was born on April, 20th, 1975 in Kiev.


1992 - Art school;

1998 - National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU)

2001 – Educational Centre "Profit" (NTUU), Web design.

1999 – started to take patchwork classes.

Patchwork is a needlework in which small pieces of cloth in different designs, colours, or textures are sewn together in pictures, coverlets.

Soon patchwork became her favourite and main activity.

2004 - creation of a children's patchwork collection (3D, developing details).

July 2004 - exhibition "Klaptja" in Gallery 36 of the KONUAU on Andreevsky Spusk together with Lyudmila Andreeva, Nadezhda Jakovenko, Nina Efimenko.

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Renewal  First renewal (#1)Previous renewal #2 #3    March, 2011. Total of renewals — 3.
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Alley of freshness
#35, patchwork
43.3"x43.3", 2010

#34, patchwork
70.9"x74.8", 2010
#33, patchwork
66.9"x78.7", 2010
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Magic berries
#32, patchwork
70.1"x24.4", 2009
Milky way
#31, patchwork
37.8"x37.8", 2009
The thousand and one nights
#30, patchwork
59.1"x78.7", 2009
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Colors of summer
#29, patchwork
61.0"x84.6", 2009
#28, patchwork
59.1"x76.8", 2009
Kesa Samurai’s love
#27, patchwork
39.4"x65.0", 2008
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Fire and ice
#26, patchwork
63.8"x43.3", 2008
#25, patchwork
45.3"x37.4", 2008
Snow maiden
#24, patchwork
69.3"x31.5", 2008
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#23, patchwork
86.6"x84.6", 2007
Vanilla fantasy
#22, patchwork
86.6"x86.6", 2006
 All  Best  Last Renewal 
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Estimate the artist 12345