Estimate the artist 12345


Bulat Valerius (previous in rating, 681th position from 759)Artist list in rating orderChubarev Alexander (next in rating, 683th position from 759)

Bulat Valerius (previous in list, 74th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderBuryak Bogdan (next in list, 76th position from 759)

Rating: 682

Artworks: 25


Pages: 2

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Golden Gramophone
#25, orgolith, acrylic
13.8"x13.8", 2016
The aroma of apples and hops
#24, whatman paper, watercolor
9.8"x11.8", 2016
In the country of fairy tales
#23, orgolith, acrylic
16.1"x14.6", 2016
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The birth of a new day
#22, orgolith, acrylic
13.8"x13.8", 2016
Birds of Paradise
#21, canvas, oil
15.7"x19.7", 2016
Morning on the Farm
#20, ceramic base, acrylic for firing
, 2015
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Unexpected meeting
#19, wood, acrylic
13.8"x10.2", 2015
In the tavern
#18, wood, acrylic
13.8"x9.8", 2015
First day of autumn
#17, whatman paper, watercolor
9.8"x11.8", 2016
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Palette August
#16, whatman paper, watercolor
9.8"x11.8", 2016
Raspberry flavor of summer
#15, whatman paper, watercolor
11.8"x16.5", 2016
Poppies flowers
#14, whatman paper, watercolor
11.8"x16.9", 2015
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Eyes watered soul with beauty
#13, orgolith, acrylic
19.7"x16.1", 2015
Winter dandelion
#12, orgolith, acrylic
, 2015
#11, orgolith, acrylic
16.1"x14.6", 2015
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