Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 180

Artworks: 16


Pages: 2

«Therefore,whatever you want men to do to you,do also to them. Matthew 7:12.»

Born 1975 in Kolomiya, in family of professional artist.

From childhood loved to paint.

Developed his talent and gained experience working with his father.

Anatoliy's fine art included wide range of landscapes and still life painting.

Recently showes his talent in modern and abstract art which are in great demand.

His works had been displayed in various exibitions and show programs.

Artist's paintings can be found in private collections in the Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Norway, USA and other countries.

Artworks are on permanent exhibition in the gallery "Globus".

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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #16, House by the River 15 Next artwork: #14, Forest
#15, canvas, oil
19.7"x23.6", 2014
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 Artwork: Previous artwork: #16, House by the River 15 Next artwork: #14, Forest
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Estimate the artist 12345