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Rating: 436

Artworks: 16


Pages: 2

Bazylchuk Alexander was born on February, 2nd, 1968 in village Okop of Belogorsky area of the Khmelnitskiy region.

Served in army.

After demobilization entered the Art College named after Shevchenko in Gryzev.

After graduation worked in museums and art exhibitions management.

Divorced, has two children.

Now lives in Zhemelintsy of Belogorsky area of the Khmelnitskiy region.

 All  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: 16 Next artwork: #15, Snow is melting
October, 2008. Total of renewals — 1.
Path to the village
#16, canvas, oil
25.6"x20.5", 2007
 All  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: 16 Next artwork: #15, Snow is melting
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