Estimate the artist 12345


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Rating: 355

Pages: 1

Artworks: 5

Best: 3

She was born in 1962 in Kyiv.

In 1987 she has graduated from the Kyiv State art institute (picturesque - restoration department).

Since 1992 she is a member of the National Artists Union of Ukraine.

Since 1988 she takes part in International, All-Union, Republican, Regional and other art exhibitions.

She works in easel painting and restoration.

Her works are in the galleries of Ukraine, Russia, and USA, private collections of Italy, Germany, France, and Sweden.

 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #04, Chrysanthemums 03 Next artwork: #02, In the country
August, 2001. Total of renewals — 1.
Still life
#03, canvas, oil
23.6"x31.5", 2000
 All  Best  Renewal #1 
 Artwork: Previous artwork: #04, Chrysanthemums 03 Next artwork: #02, In the country
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Estimate the artist 12345