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Aksyutov Andrey (previous in list, 6th position from 759)Artist list in alphabetic orderAlenina Galina (next in list, 8th position from 759)

Rating: 613

Pages: 1

Artworks: 2


Was born on August, 14th, 1947 in the city of Enakievo of Donetsk region.

Studied in The Studio of Fine Art where his teacher was I.F.Grinenko.

1964-1968 – study in the Kharkov State Art College at teachers M.I.Sablin and P.I.Chernenko.

From 1968 to 1976 - studied at the Kharkov Institute of Art and Industry at teachers E.I.Bykov, E.F.Zherditskiy, A.A.Hmelnitskiy.

Since 1999 he is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Was awarded by diplomas of the international open-air Hotmyzhsk – 2000, Chernjanko – 2003, Chuguev – 2004.

2003 - Winner of the Municipal Award, Kharkov.

Trustee of the Kharkov Organisation of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

The participant of the international, all-Union, republican, zone, regional exhibitions.

Works can be found in private collections of Ukraine, Russia, USA, Israel, Germany, Morocco, Latvia.

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Still life with plums
#02, canvas, oil
31.5"x23.6", 2008
#01, canvas, oil
31.5"x21.7", 2008
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